Higher Education: Dispelling Myths to More Effectively Respond to Campus Rape

AEquitasIn collaboration with Greet Dot , etc., Inc. and AEquitas, this web conference discusses how research shows the vast majority of sex offenders are non-stranger rapists and serial offenders. Non-stranger rapists rely on premeditated tactics and nontraditional weapons and are adept at creating, identifying, and manipulating perceived vulnerabilities in their victims. These offenders also benefit from common misconceptions and false expectations of offenders (e.g., appearance, behavior, use of weapons) that can result in failure to identify non-stranger rapists who do not meet these expectations. To more effectively identify, investigate, and prosecute non-stranger rapists on campus, prosecutors must overcome common myths and misconceptions about sexual violence, especially if judges and juries believe them. This presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of sex offenders with an emphasis on non-stranger rapists (e.g., motivations and characteristics, myths and misconceptions, serial and crossover offending) and focus on strategies for overcoming the unique challenges these offenders present on campus.

Click here to listen to the web conference – (Starts at 19:10 mark).


Addressing Confidentiality: Getting to Know Concrete Details on Confidentiality

With the Victim Rights Law Center and the Confidentiality Institute, this webinar discusses details on who exercises confidentiality, the fundamentals of confidentiality, and what sets it apart from privilege. Also discussed is how VAWA enforces confidentiality and what the elements are of “informed consent”.

Click on the link below to watch the webinar:
Confidentiality Webinar

Also listed below is information regarding updated confidentiality laws through VAWA and templates for information release forms:

VAWA 2013 Confidentiality

NNEDV Template for Information Release 

VAWA Amendments to Clery Checklist

Created by the Clery Center for Security on Campus, this checklist provides a method of evaluating what practices currently exist at a specific college or university related to the Violence Against Women Act amendments to the Clery Act and identifying action steps moving forward.

Click on the link be樂威壯
low to access the checklist:
VAWA Checklist

From Outline to Action: Implementation of the VAWA Amendments to Clery

In 2013 the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act expanded the Clery Act to include additional rights for survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. On October 20, 2014, the final regulations for the Violence Against Women Act amendments to the Clery Act were published by the Department of Education.In this webinar, Abigail Boyer from the Clery Center for Security On Campus and James Moore III the Director and Compliance Manager for the Clery Act Compliance Division of the U.S. Department of Education highlighted:

-Updated requirements and timeline for implementation
-Key changes to the law and frequently asked questions
-Resources, best practices, and “action items” for colleges and universities

Follow this link to hear and watch this webinar: “From Outline to Action: Implementation of the VAWA Amendments to Clery”