Final Regulatory Implementations

On January 27, 2015, the U.S. Department of Education this morning released the final implementing regulations for th Campus SaVE Act/VAWA amendment to Clery on the Federal Register Website at the link below. They will be formally published on Monday and take effect July 1, 2015.

To read the changes and the rest of the Violence Against Women Act, click on view resource below!

Dear Colleague Letter on Resource Distribution Equity

On October 21, 2014, the Office for Civil Rights through United States Department of Education released a Dear Colleague letter regarding how students have equal access to education resources. In conjunction to President Obama’s larger equity agenda and takes into account the ongoing efforts of states, schools districts, and schools to improve equity.

According to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, all students––regardless of race, color, national origin, or zip code––deserve a high quality education that includes resources such as academic and extracurricular programs, strong teaching, technology and instructional materials, and safe school facilities.

Click on view resource below to read the letter.

Negotiated Rulemaking 2013-2014 Violence Against Women Act

This webpage contains information about the rulemaking efforts on the Violence Against Women Act. It outlines changes that occurred to the Clery Act with the reauthorization of VAWA in 2013. You can find more information here.



VAWA Amendments to Clery Checklist

Created by the Clery Center for Security on Campus, this checklist provides a method of evaluating what practices currently exist at a specific college or university related to the Violence Against Women Act amendments to the Clery Act and identifying action steps moving forward.

Click on the link be樂威壯
low to access the checklist:
VAWA Checklist

Continuing March Toward Legislation

Just a week after the White House released a report on college sexual assault, Sens. Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut will each hold three events, one focused on campus safety laws, the Clery and Campus SaVe Acts; one on the gender equity law Title IX; and a third on how both colleges and the criminal justice system respond to campus rape.

The roundtables are scheduled to take place on May 19, June 2 and June 16. McCaskill said in a statement, “These meetings will help us understand, from those who know best, what more we can do for students, administrators and law enforcement to give them the tools they need to curb this epidemic.”

Read the article by clicking on view resource below!