Sarah DeGue discusses the recent article “A Systematic Review of Primary Prevention Strategies for Sexual Violence Perpetration”

In this podcast, DeGue highlights how this report can support prevention practitioners, including considering evidence based and promising programs and using the 9 principles of effective prevention.

A summary of key findings from this article was developed by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center.

Is your campus prepared for SAAM 2015?

NSVRC has launched the SAAM 2015 campaign.  The SAAM 2015 campaign provides resources on campus sexual violence prevention. Help us create communities that prevent violence and build campuses that respond well.  Everyone can play a role in creating safer campuses. Take action to prevent sexual violence.

This is a toolkit for advocates, campus personnel, students and allies. These materials can be used to engage the entire community  to take action to end sexual assault.


SANE/SART models on campuses

This document (from the NSVRC) provides information on campuses that have implemented SANE (sexual assault nurse examiner)/SART (sexual assault response team) models at their school. It provides more information and resources on how your campus can implement a SANE/SART.

Guide for discussing healthy sexuality

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For Sexual Assault Awareness Month in 2012, the NSVRC (National Sexual Violence Resource Center) provided a guide and practical tools for advocates, counselors, and prevention educators to discuss healthy sexuality. Click here to work with your community and implement programs on healthy sexuality as a form of sexual violence prevention.

Tools for measurement in community assessments

In continuation with the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) ‘s fact sheet on community assessment,  this document summarizes key measurement tools that can be used in assessment work.  In the similar vein of thought, “it is important determining which type of measure you use that will give you the riches information for the questions you are asking.”

Click below to review a summary of key assessment methods.

NSVRC Campus Sexual Violence Resource

In 2010 for Sexual Assault Awareness Month the NSVRC (National Sexual Violence Resource Center) put together a Campus Sexual Violence Resource List of resources to facilitate group collaboration and development of programs. Topics listed include primary prevention, policy information, statistics, training tools and resources, and public education materials.