Dear Colleague Letter on Retaliation – April 2013

In this Dear Colleague Letter released in April 2013, the Office for Civil Rights in the United States Department of Education wanted to issue a letter with a sole purpose of clarifying the basic principles of retaliation law and describe OCR’s methods of enforcement.



Q&A on Title IX and Sexual Violence

The Office on Civil Rights has released this new Q&A on Title IX and Sexual Violence. This specific PDF document contains a breakdown on how schools have an obligation to respond to sexual violence, how students are protected by Title IX, Title IX procedural requirements, a breakdown of confidentiality, investigations and hearings, interim measures, Title IX training education and prevention, etc.

While there is more information regarding Title IX on this document, there is also more general information regarding sex discrimination on the Office of Civil Rights FAQ page.





Dear Colleague Letter

The now famous Dear Colleague Letter issued by the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights on April 4, 2011 is a great starting point for information on higher education institutions’ obligation to prohibit sexual harassment and sexual violence under Title IX.  A Q&A Guide is also available about the Dear Colleague Letter.

For different downloading options of the letter, click here.