Victim Services Brochuers from Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault

For those living in Illinois and have suffered trauma, the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault site contains a site of brochures that help orient victims of their options and the type of information available for them.

There is also information available in Spanish.

Click below on view resource to view the library of resources available.

Engaging bystanders in sexual violence prevention in English and Spanish

nsvrc logo


Engaging Bystanders in Sexual Violence Prevention is a resource from the NSVRC.  This resource is also available in Spanish.

On the resource:

“This book presents a compelling orientation to the importance of engaging bystanders in sexual violence prevention. The narrative provides background on the development of an approach that empowers each of us to be involved in prevention. It discusses various reasons why individuals who witness a range of inappropriate behaviors may or may not take action, and presents ways to encourage and develop greater bystander involvement. Finally, this book serves as an excellent training resource; it provides activities and trainer instructions throughout that make it a useful educational guide on bystander engagement in sexual violence prevention.”