Most Recent White House Document on MOUs between Law Enforcement and Institutions of Higher Education

On the week that marked the one year anniversary President Obama established the White House Task Force to Protect Students, the White House released a document providing sample language that may help institutions of higher education and local law enforcement agencies as they formulate or update an MOU titled Building Partnerships among Law Enforcement Agencies, Colleges and Universities: Developing a Memorandum of Understanding to Prevent and Respond Effectively to Sexual Assault at Colleges and Universities. 

Click on the view resource button below to read the document.

Checklist for Sexual Assault Misconduct Policies

Screen shot 2014-05-01 at 12.05.01 PMPresident Obama assembled the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault and tasked them with the exploration and examination of the problem of sexual assault on college campuses. The White House Task Force released their report, outlining specific recommendations related to addressing and preventing sexual assault on college campuses.  They also put together information for students and universities about resources available on response and prevention of sexual assault on college campuses.

  • To view the Not Alone website click here.
  • To view their checklist for sexual assault misconduct policies click here.


Not Alone

President Obama assembled the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault and tasked them with the exploration and examination of the problem of sexual assault on college campuses. The White House Task Force released their report, outlining specific recommendations related to addressing and preventing sexual assault on college campuses.  They also put together information for students and universities about resources available on response and prevention of sexual assault on college campuses.   The website Not Alone was launched in April 2014.

Appendices from the Not Alone website: